Rack Wear was born out of the desire to try and make an impact. I wanted to help those whose lives have been disrupted by war, famine, drought, poverty and discrimination.
As the founder of Rack Wear I understand the power of play and the role it has in a child's life. My love of sports and competing led me to a career in health and fitness and an injury sidelined me and that's when I created this company. The thought of losing my ability to train, to work and to do the things I loved scared me. There are people every day who don't have the same options and outlets that I have. I had a little back injury, I'm lucky but what about those that aren't as lucky?
I want to create a community, sharing our stories on how play has shaped our lives. It doesn't have to be fitness related. Being a team player shapes you as a child and helps develop the skills required of being an adult. To be forced to miss out on that because of things out of a child's grasp is heart breaking.
Wear a shirt, share your story and hopefully make an impact in a child's life.
Click the link to see what right to play is all about, thanks for reading